For more than 50 years Dyckerhoff Pharma has been dedicated to maintaining health through natural remedies and offers high-quality drugs and active ingredients produced in Germany.
Active ingredient:Thiaminnitrat100 mg per tablet
Active ingredient:Cyanocobalamin 1 mg / 1 ml ampoule
B12-ASmedic® drops
Active ingredient:Cyanocobalamin 50 µg / ml Solution
Aqua ad Iniectabilia ex Colonia
Wirkstoff:Wasser for Injection2 ml and 5 ml per ampoule
Dyckerhoff Extrakts (Organ extracts) and Na-RNA Extrakt (from yeast) for the production of pharmacy recipes
For interested doctors and alternative practitioners we offer seminars in the field of chronic and degenerative diseases. The offer includes seminars on site and web seminars.
Take advantage of further offers and information for medical experts. You can find an overview of the offers here.
Find a naturopathically oriented therapist near you with the help of our therapist search.